“ 1..2..3.. Action!”


Kelly McGinnis, Reporter

You’re a bird? You’re a plane? You’re a…Improv-1

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is improv. Acting in seconds to the prompt you are given,and building a scene in seconds. Our Bishop Blanchet Braves Improv team happens to be extremely skilled in this area. Our Improv Team contains twelve, bright students with fun imaginations and a true passion for acting.

While practicing for improv, the Braves run through games to help them create and set their scenes/characters. The Braves have to do this for their competitions. At competitions, they are quickly  given a prompt and must act quickly. When given the prompt they use games to build their scenes.

“The Improv team is a lot of fun,” said Senior Braden Thole, “We all have a lot of good chemistry and we always have a good time.”

A couple days in the week the Improv team practices in the black box, learning to be quick on their feet.

“We usually have a warm up at the beginning of practice,” said Thole, “then for most of the time we test all types of games to see which ones work for us.”

One of the games the Improv team uses is called, “Blind Lines.” In this game you have two individuals playing at the same time. Each individual is given a piece of paper with a random line or prompt, such as, “I bought a watermelon for my grandma.” The individuals go out of the room to prepare for their scene without looking at the “blind line.” The individuals will then walk into the room and start their scene. In the middle of the scene the individual picks the blind line from out of their pocket and must incorporate it into their scene.

“My favorite game to practice is the Blind line,” said Junior Thomas Gomez, “It’s so random and that’s what I love about Improv.”

At competitions against other schools. The Improv team will use games like the blind line to help them in the performance. The team has to create a fifteen minute showcase, while being judged on their entertainment and technique.

“My favorite part is the adrenaline rush that comes with doing Improv,” said Thole, “Having to make up a scene on the spot takes a lot of courage and it makes you live in the moment.”

Recently the Improv team competed in the Jet City Improv Competition, and received 2nd place!

“They were so much fun to watch, it was super funny,” said Junior Hope Gould, “I went to go see my friend Nico and got a chance to watch them!”

The Improv team is highly recommended by the members on the team. If this random, fun, crazy acting seems interesting to you, you might be the perfect fit.

“I love it. This is my first year doing it,” Said Gomez, “I would definitely recommend it and I know for sure that I will be doing it next year.”