Climate Change in Washington

Rhys de Greef, Reporter

It may be hard to notice, but Washington is going through big changes. Carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide levels are rising, and rainfall is decreasing causing dry conditions for fires to spread. Forest fires are expected to increase dramatically in the near future causing damage in rural areas of the state. 

“The area burned by fire regionally is projected to double by the 2040s and triple by the 2080s (as compared to 1916-2006), due to increased summer temperature and decreased summer precipitation,”  said The University of Washington Climate Impact Group.

This is detrimental to air quality because wildfire smoke heavily pollutes the air in nearby areas which can cause health conditions like asthma or heart disease.  While many illnesses can be caused by air pollution, even more can be caused by water pollution. Water pollution is expected to become a serious issue as extreme rain and snow melt increase risk.

“These risks come from higher levels of pathogens in the runoff from the areas around drinking water wells and surface water intakes and from flooding of the wells themselves…

Some algae blooms are toxic and can cause illnesses to pets and people who swim in them.” said the Washington State Department of Health

 While this news is worrying most people don’t notice much of a difference. Many people still enjoyed swimming and spending time outside over the summer, and life continues on as normal.

 “I never notice a difference when im playing tennis and I don’t think I’ve ever gotten sick from swimming,” said sophomore Tony Huang.

Climate change is an encroaching issue on Washington. But thankfully there is still time to take action and try to remedy these issues before they start to effect the state.