Parking Chaos


Blake Sandvik, Reporter

The parking chaos within Blanchet has created many problems for the school’s staff and neighbors. 

The school year started only a week ago, and the parking lot is already filled with teenagers who don’t know how to properly park, parallel or perpendicular. Ms. Byrne, head of security, is not too pleased with how student drivers manage their cars, saying “I pray to god this year is better than the last.” A few examples of the mayhem going on are missed turn signals, parking in front of driveways, parking in front of fire hydrants and even parking a couple feet off the curb. 

Scenes like this occur regularly at Bishop Blanchet, leaving parents and neighbors discouraged and angry. 

The solution to this problem is not as easy as it may seem. Increasing street and curbside parking provisions would help, but I have five driving tips that would help the chaos within the Blanchet parking lot. 

Blake’s five tips for driving responsibility.


  • Slowing down: This would create better reaction times for other students and other neighbors of Blanchet and also reduce the number of hazardous accidents. 

  • Awareness: Teenagers driving while Snapping, or driving while watching Tik Tok, is extremely dangerous, especially with kids running around. Putting any distraction down and increasing your driving awareness will keep students of the school safe.

  • Laziness? No!: Being alert, having good posture, making sure both hands are on the steering wheel. It seems easy enough, but students still fail to follow these simple tasks. Driving takes careful instruction, and if you are lazy behind the wheel, accidents will be more frequent.

  • Keeping Distance: Neighbors of Blanchet definitely don’t appreciate when students tailgate them. Keeping distance between other cars allows students to anticipate or react to the situation needed. 

  • Turn Signals: Turn signals are a quintessential thing to use to keep Marilu Byrne sane. Confusing other cars without using turn signals is a recipe for disaster. 

These five tips seem obvious and boring, but keeping our security officer lucid will help create a better vibe around the school after hours.

Classes ending at 2:30, and everyone rushing to their car so they aren’t stuck in a long line to get out is another issue. Senior Catherine Herber said, “If I’m not rushing out of class right when the bell rings, I will be stuck in the lot for 20 minutes.”

I don’t know the exact answers to our problems. But referring to these five driving tips would make student life and Ms. Marilu Byrnes’ life ten times easier.