How do the hostile actions between police and black affect the society?


Joseph Kim, Reporter

Our current problems began in August 2014, when an NYPD officer fired an incendiary shot to 18 year old Michael Brown, generating indignant rallies throughout the nation. More cases came to the surface subsequently after Michael Brown died from the lethal shot; chokehold death of Eric Garner in July 2014, the death of Tamir Rice in November 2014, and finally the arrest of William Wingate in July 2014.

Although it seems as ubiquitous tragedies caused by the misconducts of police, the most salient reason that all these cases float on the surface is that the assailant is white and the victim is black.

Perhaps it is too well known for many people, racism is absolutely one of the most deleterious problems throughout American history. Americans already underwent the first Civil War in 1860s, and there is no doubt that this is the most appropriate time for America to beget the second Civil War. For 21th century, it would be the versions of enormous rallies or the Cold War without massive demise. Even though there would be absence of tremendous death, anyone can perceive the tension between white and black.

However, as it is time when all persuasive and emotional appeals from both groups formulate a sundry mixture of one-sided prejudice, it is pivotal for people to muse about the cases more punctiliously without inclination on any side. If tension is not the only future we intend, maybe people can observe through perspectives of both sides to fathom for conclusion.

Zealousness is a salutary tool that benefit people with the impetus that helps breakthrough many problems in situations. However, overzealousness often result in unanticipated, tragic consequence; like what officers had done on Eric Garner and Tamir Rice. Even though it is not to judge whether the cases are engendered from overzealousness about one’s duty or racism, it is clear that white police truly aroused the immense wrath from entire community of African Americans and some of other races.

For Michael Brown, Wilson shot at the boy who raised his hands up to surrender. For Eric Garner, despite of his defiance against the arrest, it had not been a serious menace that deserved the chokehold death. For Tamir Rice, police could have used their taser guns to just stun him and seize his replica gun, rather than directly shooting him on the stomach to death. Nevertheless, police reacted all the cases with their own deportment, and the results became all the rallies and protests that inundated in the huge cities such as New York. It now becomes beyond the control; police deserved it.

However, sometimes it is misgiving that a colored race is fairly susceptible and innocuous under the superior race that dominates another with malfeasance. African Americans are not likely the vulnerable cluster in the American society. Even though they do not possess the outward authority, they have the power that can incite people into their way by exploiting the vulnerable image in the society. As an Asian, it is hard to forget 1992 LA riots when African Americans marched and took skirmish against white police. African Americans not only assailed white people but also pillaged Koreatown after the death of Latasha Harlins who tried to steal orange juice and attacked the owner of the Korean market as the owner attempted to stop her. Even though most of Koreans were all who underwent army practice and prepared for the skirmish, they had no way but to lose their properties that they had enacted since they settled in America.

Although African Americans are historically a victimized ethnic group, they are not always the vulnerable group in America.