Impressive motorcyclists flying high lead to an unforgettable night

Maggie Kruzner, Reporter

Thrilling motorcycles, high-flying men with rollerblades strapped to their feet, and bright graphics shrouded the Tacoma Dome on November 3, 2015.

The Nitro Circus, an exciting motocross show, made a stop in Tacoma during its world tour. The Circus “ringleader” Travis Pastrana is also known as the first man to ever land a triple backflip on a motorcycle. He sadly was out with a back injury from a previous fall, however the show opened with a video message from him saying,

“I’m sorry I could not attend the circus tonight. I was working on stunts that were bigger, better, and more awesome for you guys, and I went a little too fast off a ramp to control myself,” said Pastrana. “I have some awesome replacements here in my place though, so have a great time!”

Several motorcyclists strike a pose at the top of a ramp. These riders were announced winners of the "coolest trick competition" that took place during the show.
Several motorcyclists strike a pose at the top of a ramp. These riders were announced winners of the “coolest trick competition” that took place during the show.

This message was not a lie. The motorcyclists in place of Pastrana were, for a lack of better words, awesome. One very special guest included was Doug Henry, the first paralyzed man to do a backflip on a motorcycle. Henry wheeled out of a hidden room on his wheelchair, introduced himself, and then proceeded to be lifted into a specially designed motorcycle to attempt a backflip.

“The hardest part about being paralyzed is to not be able to do what I love.” said Henry. “I am going to change that tonight.”

Henry explained that to do a backflip on a motorcycle, the rider needed to kick back with his legs. Henry, being paralyzed, could not push down on his bike to get the proper pressure to succeed in the flip. He modified his bike so that it would give him extra support in his core. Henry impressively landed his backflip with the crowd in hushed suspense.

This was just one of the insane stunts that happened during Nitro Circus. The Circus team also produces films, the most recent one created in 2012. The team is creating a new film to be released in 2016, which is to be a collective of the most dangerous, ridiculous stunts ever attempted. If you love heart-pounding, high energy action, then I highly suggest researching the Nitro Circus or going to see them live on their next World Tour in 2016.