WIAA confirms girl’s basketball violations and levies sanctions


Madeline Golliver, Reporter

The Washington Interscholastic Activities Association’s two-month review of girls basketball at Bishop Blanchet has come to a close, confirming Blanchet’s self-report and sanctions, and resulting in the forfeit of Blanchet’s 2013 and 2014 girl’s basketball seasons.

As part of the sanctions, the team has to forfeit second and third-place state tournament victories from those seasons.

“It’s extra motivation for this season,” said junior Taylor Chambers to the Seattle Times. “They’re trying to take away everything we did. … You take all of this away, so now we’re going to get more.”

According to the Seattle Times, the Metro League approved the sanctions on June 18. Karst Brandsma investigated the violations.

“While it was difficult and humbling to review this report of violations in two of our athletic programs … the independent WIAA fact-finder confirmed our own internal investigation of the facts,” wrote president Antonio DeSapio to the Blanchet community. “With this independent review by the WIAA now complete, I consider this matter closed and I call on our community to move forward together.”

While the investigation of the violations and the sanctions have hit the girls on the basketball team hard, they remain strong and hopeful.

“You can’t take away my experience,” said junior Jadyn Bush to the Seattle Times. “The trophies are still there. The memories are still there. The experience is still there. I don’t feel like I lost anything.”