It’s all about the team.

Emilia Zottoli, Reporter

With a bundle of new faces on the JV Boy’s soccer team, the team dynamic and growth has been through the roof.

From practices to games, the JV team is constantly putting in 100% effort in everything that they do together.

Soccer is far from being an individual sport, and for many being on a team has been the reason to start playing soccer. For players, Jack Brunkan, Aidan Bullard and Thomas Parkhurst, having played soccer for 9 years, it is a fundamental part to who they are.

All three players started at the beginning of elementary school and have played every year up until now, their JV freshman season at Bishop Blanchet.  Transitioning from a middle school to a high school sports team is a big leap, but for the JV team, the dynamic feels like family and is easily adaptable.

“I think our team has grown together.” said freshman mid- fielder Bullard, “We are clicking as a squad.”

This close- knit bond between the players was initially difficult to grasp due to a few hard fought losses kicking off their season.  Despite the difficult losses the team has faced, they still manage to have fun and enjoy each other day in and day out.

“I think the team this year has good chemistry,” said freshman striker Brunkan, “and we have a lot of fun playing.”

All this fun that the team has correlates into how they play together now, and in how they will play in future seasons to come.  The building of a foundation is key to the success of any team, and this is something that Coach Busilacchi strives for when he pushes the boys in each practice.

For freshman Parkhurst, getting touches on the ball and the fundamentals that Coach Busilacchi establishes is essential to striving towards everyday greatness.

“It’s a fun time when I can get some exercise and compete,” said Parkhurst about what he finds is the meaning of soccer.

Although the season has been stumbling on a rocky path, that has not stopped the team of underclassmen from constantly competing and coming together as one unit.