Maddie Brown Wasted No Time Joining the Blanchet Communtiy

Alexa Vecchio, Reporter

As seniors are heading off to college and deciding what they want to be or what they’re passionate about, some are finding it difficult. While some struggle, others have always known what they’ve wanted to do with their lives. This is the case for freshman Madelynne Brown, who already knows exactly what she wants to be when she’s older.

Brown chose to come to Blanchet because of its warm welcome, drama program, and the endless opportunities to participate in clubs and sports.

Many students that run through the Blanchet halls have older siblings that went here first but it isn’t the situation for everyone, so how do students choose to come to Blanchet? For Brown, her passions and her excitement to do new things and meet new people drew her here.

“The arts and drama department were a really important aspect for me when picking a high school,” said Brown.

For just being a freshman, Brown has taken every opportunity to jump into all the Blanchet activities she can. She worked on Hair and Makeup Crew for both the fall play and the spring musical, is a member of the improv team, the golf team, chess team and the knowledge bowl.

“These activities really helped me to open up and meet new people, as well as make me feel closer as a whole to Blanchet and the students in it,” Brown said.

The activities don’t stop there though, Brown wants to participate in more. While continuing allow her previous activities, Brown also wants to start a new club at Blanchet.

“I plan on trying to start a Video Production and Film Appreciation club at Blanchet,” Brown said.

Brown wants to be a film director when she’s older and starting this club, while continuing her other work in the Performing Arts program, will help her to continue her passion while still in high school.

“I’m really excited to get to experience everything as it comes my way and to get to try new things and meet new people,” said Brown.

Brown continues to look ahead at what is coming her way during high school and takes it head on. She’s ready for the struggles and the excitement, the good, the bad, the ugly, and whatever else will come her way. Though she’s already tried many activities at Blanchet, she is open to participating in even more.

“I would love to participate on stage for drama in next year’s shows or continue hair and makeup, and I’m definitely continuing with golf,” Brown said.