Is Vaping Actually Safer Than Smoking?

Clara Costa, Reporter

Although vaping has only been around for the last 15 years, it has been able to gain major popularity across the United States.

The first vape was patented in 2003 by Han Lik, who made it in response to his dad’s passing from lung cancer. Since then, the vape (also commonly know as an e-cig) industry has exploded, providing access to almost anyone who’s interested in getting their hands on one.

Vapes are normally made in the shape of a pen, and come with replaceable cartridges including different flavors that often contain varying levels of nicotine. Because vaping is such a new concept, there aren’t extensive studies that show the long term affects of how harmful vaping could be to the human body, but recent studies do show that vapes have similar effects on the body as to smoking regular cigarettes.

Blanchet Junior Lars Krokum believes that although there isn’t extensive research on the effects of vaping long term, we still shouldn’t trust that it’s safer than smoking cigarettes.

“Everyone knows that nicotine is super addictive,” said Krokum. “I don’t think making cigarettes electronic with the same harmful effects is any safer than smoking.”

Blanchet Freshman Max Klauser thinks that people who don’t vape often will be safe from whatever effects are to come from new research.

“I think people who don’t vape often will be fine,” said Klauser. “We’re all affected by pollutants and second hand smoke on a daily basis so I don’t believe that vaping is that dangerous.”

Although scientists have not been able to show the lasting effects of vaping, make sure you educate yourself before you perform any action that could be potentially harmful to your body.