Blaming the Weather


Kelly McGinnis, Editor

Have you ever been in a bad mood, and you can’t come up a valid reason why? The answer may be deeper than you think- It’s not about your daily life but rather your daily intake of vitamin D.

Vitamin D has been linked to bone health, energy production, and preventative against diseases.
Living in a place like Seattle or even across the Western Washington area, sunshine is lacking, or in other words a lacking in their amount of Vitamin D- especially during this time of year. UV Rays in sunlight contain vitamin D and therefore when you lay out in the sun, you become nourished with vitamin D and all the benefits that come along with it.

“Scientists like Michael Holick, MD, a pioneer in Vitamin D research, has proven that nearly every tissue and cell type in the body has receptors for Vitamin D;” according to Logan Bronwell, a writer for Life Extension. The result of this discovery has caused doctors to recommended higher doses of Vitamin D for individuals.

Along with fighting diseases and bone health, Vitamin D is also important for brightening moods and acting as an energy booster. Vitamin D is essential to individuals daily health and that’s why many people, including myself, take daily Vitamin D supplements to insure these positive effects.

Others, such as Blanchet teacher Mike Finnegan, use UV lights or “happy lights” as Finnegan likes to call it to not only lift the moods and add energy for his students but also for himself. Other teachers have also caught onto the importance of Vitamin D intake and that is why Chemistry teacher Jennie Fabian, has started bringing one of Finnegan’s “happy lights” into her own classroom.

So if you ever feel a little down or need an energy boost, stop by room 201 and sit in front of Finnegans “happy lights” or start taking Vitamin D supplements once a day and see how helpful it’s for you.