Stress Goes To Head As School Starts

Cellular devices distract students from homework and prolong stress.

Cellular devices distract students from homework and prolong stress.

Julia Weinand, Editor

The school year has begun: classes are well underway, the first sports games have been won or lost, clubs are being reorganized to fit students’ schedules, and late night after late night, students begin to lose more and more sleep.

As school ramps up, so do stress levels.

Stop. Take a minute and breathe. The human brain was not meant to be active 24/7.  To minimize stress at the start of the school year and beyond, consider the following:

1) Silence your cell. Stowing your phone away from sight and sound when not needed will keep your mind more focused on the task at hand (homework) and allow you to finish such tasks faster and sooner. Although it is important to keep in touch with friends, designating a set amount of time to put distracting devices away is still possible.

2) Eat breakfast. Every body needs nutrients in order to keep it mentally and physically active. You’ll feel better if you have food in you.

3) Get a planner. Write down your assignments and their deadlines so you won’t forget. This way you will be able to clear your head to focus more easily instead of carrying it all around in your brain.

4) Try to get assignments done the day they are assigned. This will allow more time for the following day’s assignments as they come. You will get less overwhelmed if you are not cramming to finish homework the night before it is due.

5) Set a bedtime. If you haven’t finished your homework by a reasonable time then it probably isn’t very high quality anyway. Staying up late will also impair your cognitive abilities for the following day.

6) Relax. Take a minute and breathe. Forget about your worries and call to mind ten things that make you happy.

Students have a tendency to get caught up in the rush of the year. There is so much to do in so little time. It is important, though, to take the time to maintain your physical and mental health as the year progresses.