New Priest Leads Braves Through The Mass of the Holy Spirit

Derek Loen, Reporter

Last Wednesday, the Mass of the Holy Spirit took place at Bishop Blanchet. The first all-school mass of the school year, honors The Holy Spirit, and appreciating the gifts it gives humanity.

The senior class was in their gowns, symbolizing the beginning of their journey to graduation. Mass was followed up with the taking of the traditional “class of” photo, where the seniors formed an eighteen. After that, the seniors had a reception in the small gym, with cinnamon rolls and orange juice.

The mass was led by Father Parrish, a “fresh” priest, who was ordained only 3 months ago. Father Parrish openly shared his nervousness at the start of the mass, but he had nothing to worry about. He filled the mass with energy through his positivity and humor, engaging the audience while still keeping the mass sacred. Karin Loen, a Blanchet alum and mother of three Blanchet students says, “I don’t like the new priest, I love him!”

For the homily, Father Parrish told a touching story about a walk in the park he had recently. He saw a disabled man and a woman arguing. The woman put him down on the ground and lied down next to him, so that they could see “eye to eye”. Father Parrish inspired the audience to treat others in a way like this where you set your differences aside and treat each other with respect.

One of the highlights of the mass was the tremendous singing from the students. Ms. Mikesell was on the lookout, encouraging the students. “The signing was definitely a highlight for me. It made the mass feel more spiritual for me,” said student Matty Campbell. Mr. Procopio made an end of the day announcement with a similar message as well, congratulating students with their good behavior.

The mass was a fantastic start off to the school year and hopefully a sign of the good times to come in the future.