Christmas Spirit Arrives at Bishop Blanchet High School

Beatriz Cuevas, Reporter

As the third candle is lit on the advent wreath, the Bishop Blanchet students and faculty spread their Christmas spirit by dressing up with holiday cheer.

Every day is assigned a specific theme created by the Associated Student Body (ASB). The guidelines provided by the deans and school administration are as follows “No immodest clothing, No short running shorts, dress code coverage applies.”  These guidelines are created to facilitate proper school attire while being able to show as much cheer as possible.

The dress up days are carefully selected by the ASB. Edie O’Connor, Bishop Blanchet’s ASB Treasurer had a large part in choosing the themes.

“We had a list of the things we did last year, and so we took that,” said O’Connor. “Then at the ASB meeting we had everyone brainstorm in their class cabinet groups for five minutes and after putting new ideas on the board we voted.”

The following themes were chosen; Monday was deemed Pajama Day, Tuesday Snow Day, Wednesday Ugly Sweater Day, Thursday Red/ Green Day, and Friday is Class Christmas Day. On Class Christmas Day, every class has the opportunity to compete to see who has the most Christmas spirit. The freshmen are elves, the sophomores Reindeer, the juniors Snowmen and the seniors Mr. & Mrs. Claus.

Faculty are expected to dress up as well, and Mr. Bocian, Vice President of Student Activities, would like to see participation from everyone in the Bishop Blanchet community. 

“The ASB choosings were designed to help the most people dress up,” said Bocian. “They are easy. I’m tired of seeing the same kids participate. The new faculty are also starting to catch onto our traditions, and I’d like to see as many faculty and staff geared up.”

The dress up days will help build school and Christmas spirit, and segues the community into a cheerful holiday.