Fall Play Ends, Next Year’s is Announced

Alexa Vecchio, Journalist

This year’s fall play, Vaudevilles, has come and gone, but now you get the scoop on what happened behind the scenes.

When it came to the decision to choose three one-acts for the play, Hannah Victoria Franklin, the director, knew she made the right choice.

She choice Chekhov saying that, “ These are the one-acts that he wrote at the beginning of his career, and they seem digestible to work with. Really giving a lot of opportunities for a lot of different kids to work on a meaty role.”

Students and faculty on the crews helped bring the the play to life alongside Franklin and the actors.

When talking about the designers and the student crews, Franklin said, “there’s so many resources that you don’t always find when you’re doing professional theater. A lot of times you hear ‘no’ and I didn’t hear that here.”

Falling sets and broken chairs proved themselves to be a challenge when it came to making sure everyone and everything was safe.

Franklin said,“Some nights it all worked perfectly and some nights it didn’t.”

She continues talking about how the actors are trained for this kind of unexpectedness,“ That’s the thing about live theater, actors have to be prepared for anything the night throws at them.”

Almost all of the minor characters weren’t in the original plays, but Franklin added them to create more opportunities for students. Franklin says that adapting the play was slightly challenging, but she was extremely happy with how it turned out.

While talking to Franklin she also announced the 2016 Fall Play. Next year’s production will be The Crucible by Arthur Miller.

Franklin says, “ it’s a big cast and it’s challenging and really high stakes drama, that’s also really spooky and fun for the fall.”