Never Forget Why God Created Us

Never Forget Why God Created Us

By Joseph Kim, 2018

After the tentative cessation of the strife between Israel and Palestine, the world now focuses on an ensued dispute called “terror” that slaughtered 4 Israelis at the Jerusalem synagogue on November 18th 2014. Armed Palestinians with rifles, knives, and axes assailed the worshippers in the Jerusalem synagogue; they murdered 3 worshippers from the U.S. and 1 worshipper from the U.K. It is very tragic. It is one of the most harrowing situations that massacred unarmed, inculpable people who were not even involved in the case.
And this may be trite, but it is still an incontrovertible fact that cannot be refuted or disparaged with a single opinement. From July 8th 2014 to August 26th 2014 (50 days) Gaza was being decimated from Israeli bombing. 2192 Palestinians died and nearly 70% of them were civilians. Additionally, 30% of those civilians were children who were not encompassed in this case. It was and is very tragic. It is one of the most harrowing situations of massacre of unarmed, inculpable people who were not even involved in the case.
But that is not the main point that I hope to defer in this article. This is not a vapid attempt to describe this case like a football game. The Israelis’ headquarters are less malevolent than Hamas’s because the Israelis perpetrated more serious carnage. I want to query whether they really persevere to struggle with just heart as their God hopes or not. Their incumbent mission always has been leading God’s holy war since they had defeated Canaanites in the Battle of Jericho. However, these days, they abandoned their virtues with their political goal to form a diversion and dwindle the strength of Hamas’ force, which always has been an irksome counterpart to eliminate. Instead, for the ostensible reason of this war, they suggested a seemingly plausible reason that the disappearance of Israelis’ kids at the Jordan River was probably committed by Hamas and his forces. It ignited the strife, caused Israeli extremists to burn three Palestinian kids to death and Hamas to start a bombing in retribution. And this eventually engendered nonsense demise of both 2192 Palestinians and 72 Israelis.
No matter whether one endorses Israel or Palestine, one can so easily get a sense that this is such an inane conflict that results in innumerable deaths and extreme tribulations for both sides. However, we can’t only reproach Palestinian side because they were the same humans as we are this time — not the ISIS or Islamic extremists who decapitate one’s head and renounce to be a human, but the human beings who are solicitous of their own families with their hearts and mourn for them. The fault is not only theirs. The fault is in us too.
Never forget why God created us. Even though he became a warrior of the holy war, he always wants the peace of the world that he created. Although he grants us clemency unto any sins or wars with open heart, we should realize that we should not perform those into actions against our conscience. We were born to fathom other’s difference, not to stifle those differences.
Never forget why God created us.